Saturday, November 16, 2013

Anwesha Dubey: Healthcare around the world

Anwesha Dubey, a senior from Duchesne Academy, gave a moving and inspiring speech this morning at TEDx. Having grown up the large city of Lucknow, India, she saw the poverty in the world first hand. These memories of sickness and poverty stuck with her even after she left the country and moved to the United States. In her talk, Anwesha recounted to the audience the appalling number of people living without health care in India; close to 400 million people, which is larger than the population of North America. These people are living below the poverty, with no means of help. Until now. Jagadguru Kripalu Chikitsalaya is an organization founded by Jaqadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj Anwesha’s spiritual guru. The organization focuses on providing healthcare the people who need it. All services are free of charge, and they also provide basic necessities consitsting of food, water and shelter. The entire organization is no profit. Doctors give of their time freely, benefactor’s donations go to buy much needed supplies, and volunteers help to keep the clinics running. Since its founding, JKC has helped more than 10 million people. Anwesha hopes to one day create clinics similar to JKC all around the world. Anwesha’s talk reminds us that we “are not trying to provide healthcare for all people today, but rather plant the seeds so that one day healthcare will be an option for everyone.”
For more information on JCK please click the link below

-Maria Noguera

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