Thursday, November 14, 2013

Our speakers from The Kinkaid School

Henry Durning—“A Harmonious Life: The Benefits of a Balanced Schedule"

Henry Durning is a fun and exciting kid. Before he moved to Texas, he lived at a boarding school in Rhode Island. Now, Henry is in 6th grade at a private school called Kinkaid School. His parents are both teachers at Kinkaid; that is one of the reasons he wants to be a teacher when he grows up. He also enjoys learning and helping others. Henry is very into soccer and has played since he was four. He is also very good at singing. In fact, his tour choir sang at the Houston Symphony, the rodeo, and France! Henry has been very busy lately, which gave him the inspiration to do a Tedx talk about balanced schedules.

Sophia Ghauri—“Shedding Light on Learning Disabilities” 

Sophia Ghauri is 13 years old and the oldest of three children. Her hobbies are cooking, gardening, and art. She loves solving problems and riddles, and when she grows up, she hopes to be an ophthalmologist. Sophia has known from a young age that she was different. Because of her genetics, she had a high chance of having a learning disability. It turns out she has ADHD and Dyslexia. However, that doesn’t stop her from pursuing new passions. Sophia is now trying to do something she never thought she could do: write. She’s currently working on a novel called The Secrets of Dregovia. She says, “Because of my dyslexia, my words are art.” Her inspiration for this Ted talk didn’t come from one event, but it came from her entire life.

Sahar Punjwani—“Extraordinary Humans” 

Sahar Punjwani is a creative, funny and caring twelve-year-old girl. Her attitude towards life is simple: “Live life; don’t just exist.” Sahar is passionate about music tennis, and writing. Most of all, she enjoys biology and hopes to be a neurosurgeon when she grows up. A few years ago, Sahar met a lovable girl with Autism who gave her the inspiration for this TED talk. She hopes to spread an  important message to the world through her talk: “Always try to see the deeper meaning of life!”

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